Primary Color Palette

This vibrant palette is friendly and approachable which aligns with Edmunds' clean and modern interface elements. As part of the global updates to simplify the color palette and better reflect the brand, below makes up the RGB, CMYK and Pantone colors for our style guideline. Colors can also be set at shades of 25%, 50% and 75%.
Primary Blue
C:100 M:45 Y:0 K:10
Pantone 2945 C

USAGE: Main buttons, CTAs, Text links

Secondary Blue
C:70 M:10 Y:0 K:0
Pantone 2925 C

USAGE: Global navigation elements, Drop down arrows, Dynamic actions, Hover states

C:70 M:0 Y:100 K:9
Pantone 362 C

USAGE: Pricing (PP, TCO, incentives, calculators), Lead buttons, Special Offers

C:0 M:10 Y:100 K:0
Pantone 109 C

USAGE: Specs and info, Browse by, Research, Compare vehicles, Features

C:0 M:61 Y:97 K:0
Pantone 158 C

USAGE: Research, Secondary buttons, Inventory and results, Ratings listing

Primary Red
C:0 M:100 Y:79 K:20
Pantone 187 C

USAGE: Editorial, Buying guide, Auto shows

Alert Red
C:0 M:97 Y:100 K:0
Pantone 485 C

USAGE: Message and form errors, negative actions, etc.

Dark Grey
C:33 M:3 Y:0 K:90
Pantone 433 C

USAGE: Page headers, Main body copy

Secondary Dark Grey
C:23 M:2 Y:0 K:77
Pantone 432 C

USAGE: Section headers, Secondary editorial, Social, Car news, Best cars list

Mid Grey
C:5 M:0 Y:0 K:45
Pantone 430 C

USAGE: Global navigation drop down

Light Grey
C:3 M:0 Y:0 K:32
Pantone 429 C

USAGE: Main Dotted and Solid hairlines

Secondary Light Grey
C:2 M:0 Y:0 K:18
Pantone 428 C

USAGE: Container Stroke and Solid hairlines

Tertiary Light Grey
C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:11
Pantone 427 C

USAGE: Background colors, Buttons

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:11
Pantone 427 C

USAGE: Background colors, CTAs

1080 Custom Grid System

This custom grid was developed to support our 2015 ad footprint where we introduced all IAB standard ad units (Leaderboards 728x90 and Medium Rectangles/Box Ads 300x250). Margins were added on either side of the grid for the purpose of protecting our pages from the occasional custom wallpaper ad or browser edges.

When designing to the grid just remember that everything needs to be horizontally divisible by 5 pixels, so no 37px gutters.

Download: 1080 Grid PSD

Type Sample type specifications. Some special rules include, 10px padding under all body headers/H4’s, 15px padding between all paragraph breaks and custom line-height for line wrapping is 24px. Otherwise see below for details.
This is a an example of an H1

Helvetica, font size: 28px, Line height: 34px, #333333
Primarly used for page headers (e.g. H1)

This is an example of an H2

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 22px, Line height: 30px, #333333

This is an example of an H3

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 16px, Line height: 22px, #555555

This is an example of an H4

Helvetica, Bold, font size: 14px, Line height: 19px, #333333

Body Text
This is an example of Body Text. Until recently, buyers in this category had two options: the BMW 3 Series or something that wasn't as good as the BMW 3 Series. But times have changed and BMW's spot at the top of the pecking order is as unstable as it's ever been. The base engine is now a turbocharged four-cylinder, and challengers to the throne are getting exceptionally good.

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 14px, Line height: 20px, #333333

Link 1

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 14px, Line height: 20px, #0072BC
Links lists: 14px/28px/24px line wrap

Bulleted Lists
• Sed rutrum est non
• Duis dapibus viverra
• Suspendisse potenti
• Nulla quis enim ut elit
• Vivamus venenatis orci

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 14px, Line height: 20px, #333333

Nam mattis adipiscing tortor; sit amet porta massa tincidunt sit amet.

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 13px, Line height: 18px, #555555

Footnotes/Fine Print
*Nam mattis adipiscing tortor; sit amet porta massa tincidunt sit amet.

Helvetica, Regular, font size: 11px, Line height: 16px, #555555

Type Rules


Guideline: No widows in headlines, body copy, etc. - 2-3 words minimum on last line

Horizontal Rules

Horizontal Rules (HRs) are content separators. The Dotted Rule is used to separate 'like' content, while the Solid Rules separate sections of 'different' types of content. The 'Light' solid rule can be used in cases where content is grouped within the same section.
Usage: Separates content within and outside of containers
Vertical Rules


Usage: Follow same as above – use to designer's discretion
Download: HRs PSD, VRs PSD


Logo assets for Marks Guideline: All logo marks (e.g. ® © ™ SM), only need to be represented the first time they are used on a page. In the case of Price Promise, if this is used in the copy multiple times on page, only the first instance needs the mark.
Download Edmunds Logo:
When the Price Promise logo is with the Edmunds logo it uses a registration mark.

Download Edmunds PP Logo:

When the Price Promise logo is alone, it uses the standard mark.

Download PP Logo:


When creating designs, the Front End Development code should correspond with each icon. To view this please refer to the Iconmoon Library or the Icon Audit spreadsheet with a narrowed down set.
Illustration Style


• 3 max colors (plus white or knockout) to align with flat UI
• Colors are within the Edmunds palette (or shade of - 25%, 50%, 75%)
• Illustrations are flat, no drop shadows or depth
• Concepts should be a metaphor for associated content


Edmunds uses four different button sizes: Extra Large, Large, Medium, and Small. Button color is specific to the task.
Blue Button (#0072BC): To initiate a general action. Pressing this will a user to another page with results (i.e. a list, a calculation, a sign up, etc.) You will use this button for most of the interactions that take place on Example verbiage: “Go”, “Select”, “View”, “Search”, “Select a Car”, “Find my Car”


Green Button (#58A200): Used to primarily submit information (I.e. Submitting a dealer quote). Used to initiate searches.


Orange Button (#58A200): This is a specialty button and should only be used sparingly on the site. This button should ONLY be used to begin a linear multi-step process (I.e. Building a price for a vehicle). The orange button style should be continued throughout the process. (I.e. Choosing style, color, options).


Grey Button (#F2F2F2 w/#0072BC CTA): Used to update or modify an element on the current page a user is on. (I.e. Changing zip code, sorting a list, etc.) Placement of this button is usually atop a listing. Also used as an inactive state for the Blue Button. Grey button variations can also be control objects like forward, back, play, pause, etc. buttons (re: photo carousel). Example verbiage: “Update”, “Calculate”, “Choose”, “Sort”, “Enter”.


Rules:• CTAs are 2-3 words maxiumum
• Buttons with more than 3 word CTAs becomes a text link
• CTAs are always Upperlower Case

Social Buttons

All social buttons should follow the respective brand's color and logo usage guidelines.

Social Channel Buttons: Appearing in global footer and email footers – link open each respective channel link to a '_blank' window/tab.
Social Action Buttons: Used for simple sign-up and login for various actions on the site.


These container colors make-up usage across the site.
Red (#BF2D37)
USAGE: Editorial, Buying guide, Auto shows
Yellow (#FFCC32)
USAGE: Specs and info, Browse by (make, feature, type), Research, Compare popular vehicles, Features
Orange (#FF6634)
USAGE: Technical information, Inventory and results, Ratings listing
Green (#58A200)
USAGE: Pricing (PP, TCO, incentives, calculators)
Grey (#999999)
USAGE: Secondary editorial, Social, Car news, Best cars lists, Other
No Color Bar
USAGE: Container with tabs, Consumer reviews, SEO and editorial text
Example w/Specs
Download: Container PSD (w/specs)

Modal Windows

Below are examples of modal window usage on Edmunds. We most commonly use the modal for our Photo Flipper as well as for signup and zipcode forms.
Download: Photo Flipper PSD or Signup Form PSD


Forms are set at two sizes, and match the heights set for buttons on the site. The two sizes used are Large (41px height) and Medium (34px height).
Leadform Example


• All form fields should match button height
• Unselected form fields are contained by 1px rule, #cccccc
• Selected form fields are contained by 1px rule, #00aafd (secondary blue)
• Errored form fields are contained by 1px rule, #ff1929 (alert red)
Download: Form Field PSD or Leadform PSD

Drop Down Menus

As of now the FED team recommends limited customization to the drop down menus – with the reasoning that drop downs are browser dependant and would be require unique CSS per browswer.
Drop Down Example
Download: Drop Downs PSD

Video Players

Edumnds uses a thrid-party vendor called Brightcove for video player implementation across the site. This allows for customized controls and currently we are testing their NextGen player with responsive capabilities and cleaner UI.
• Videos players should be designed without a container
• Sizes should be 16:9 ratio for full width of Main Well and Ad Well
• Main Well video size = 730x410
• Ad Well video size = 320x180
• Video thumbnail is customizable and should be saved at 730x410 to respond for all sizes
• Video active color = Secondary Blue, #00aafd
Brightcove Base Player


• The player is in pre-launch so our FED team is customizing the UI per Video team needs
• Once ready we will launch in right rail, content pages & photo flipper
• New player is responsive and adaptive, and we can edit CSS
Download: Video Player PSD


General Purpose Tabs
Download: Tabs PSD

Global Navigation

Currently the global navigation is adhereing to the former 960 grid but will be updated soon. General guidelines below still apply.
global navigation
Breadcrumb & Share This Page
global navigation
• Links are separated by slashes not carets
• Breadcrumb is set to 14px font size, #0072BC
• Selected links change color to #333333
• Share this Page toggle matches style & aligns with same baseline as breadcrumb
• Share buttons are standard social API shares